Saturday, May 29, 2010

Moving Blogs

This Blog will no longer be in use, sorry, as of next week, this blog will be a dead blog. :( But there is good news, I'm moving blogs. My NEW blog is : Warrior News Central(WNC) It is much better than this one(when it is finished) My new name will be Moonwish, (sorry I lost interest in Swanflight) and I will be a completely new blogger at that blog. You can still view this blog, but nothing else will be posted here, as of next week. My new blog is still under construction, so I will not give you the link just yet, but I'll assure you, you'll LOVE my new blog, I'm working very hard on it. When the new blog is up and running next week, I'll give you a link, and you'll never have to come here again! But please, help advertise this new blog, I want lots of followers. If you're a follower here, then please be a follower there too! Thank you very much!

Remember, I'll give a link next week... or sooner!

Swanflight(aka Moonwish)


  1. =::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(

  2. plz check out my new blog......

  3. Why not just change your blogger name, picture, delete your blogs, and make a new one? It's easier.


  4. Awww! Well, I can't wait to see your new blog. :) I'll be following for sure!

  5. when will you give us the link?!?!??! :(
