Monday, June 14, 2010


Sorry for not posting in like... a month, but lots of tests have come up and the end of the school year is kind of hectic. But no matter, for I am....... back! I will no longer be posting here, but this blog will still be up. Now you can visit ..... Warrior News Central! There will be contests and quizzes and etc. It will be fun, and you'll get all the spoilers you need there! Including the date of the next Wands & World Chat, which I will be attending! Explore it, and new things will be added every week, sometimes sooner! Thank you for sticking with me, and please follow the new blog! And visit often! :D

You can go here:


~Swanflight aka Moonwish aka Fierystrike~

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Moving Blogs

This Blog will no longer be in use, sorry, as of next week, this blog will be a dead blog. :( But there is good news, I'm moving blogs. My NEW blog is : Warrior News Central(WNC) It is much better than this one(when it is finished) My new name will be Moonwish, (sorry I lost interest in Swanflight) and I will be a completely new blogger at that blog. You can still view this blog, but nothing else will be posted here, as of next week. My new blog is still under construction, so I will not give you the link just yet, but I'll assure you, you'll LOVE my new blog, I'm working very hard on it. When the new blog is up and running next week, I'll give you a link, and you'll never have to come here again! But please, help advertise this new blog, I want lots of followers. If you're a follower here, then please be a follower there too! Thank you very much!

Remember, I'll give a link next week... or sooner!

Swanflight(aka Moonwish)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Browse Inside for Battles of the Clans and the New Deputy of ShadowClan

I was looking, and I found.......


go here:

The new deputy of ShadowClan is ROWANCLAW! Look in Battles of the Clans browse inside. read the ShadowClan technique part. It says that the deputy is ROWANCLAW!! YAY! He was my second choice!


Monday, May 10, 2010

A Question

Okay, Who do you want Vicky Holmes(Author/Planner of Warriors) to kill off in the series. Now, this is important, if you have a blogger account(and remember your password, I forgot my old old one.) and you vote on "other" then make sure you COMMENT on THIS post! Why do i bother saying this, no one ever does. :( But this time, please, just comment.

Poll Results and Some Info on SkyClan's Destiny

Okay, Testing is Tommorrow and I am really stressed out, but anyways, I felt like taking a break.

First Up, Poll Results!

Dovewing, was voted the best warrior name for Dovepaw!

Dovesong and Dovefeather were tied for 2nd Place!

Doveflight was 3rd

A special Mention to the names Dovegaze, Dovesight, and Dovefire, who did not get many votes.

Next! The Info.
All righty, I don't read Seekers, but now I wish I did, because .... A SPECIAL CUTOUT FROM SKYCLAN'S DESTINY IS AT THE BACK OF SEEKERS BOOK FIVE: FIRE IN THE SKY!!!!
Eeeeek! I can't show it to you, but I hope that this info did help you.... a little?

Okay, Bye!


Saturday, May 8, 2010


I'm Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Testing is coming up and my life is really hectic, It will be AT LEAST a week till I post again. I hope you don't lose interest in this blog, I'm very sorry!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Link to New Fanfiction Blog

I have created the Darkest Song Blog, here is the link, and have fun!

New Fanfiction Blog?

I have decided that my procrastination should stop, and I should write Darkest Song. AGES ago, at the beggining of this blog, I put up a poll on what story you wanted me to write. Darkest Song won, and I said I would post it in April. I have finally shouldered real responisbility and decided to Begin Darkest Song! *scattered applause* So yeah, the summary will be available at the new blog ,er, "soon" and I will begin writing, um, "soon" I will post a link later, when I have created the blog. What do you think?


Friday, April 23, 2010

1,000th Visit!

Warrior's News Network's 1000th Visit is here! :D I am incredibly happy with this Blog's popularity, and I hope you all continue posting your comments! :D Thank You all soooo much for helping this Blog prosper!


Saturday, April 17, 2010


I was browsing Kate Cary's Blog and I saw this. It's so cute it made me super giggly and made me watch it for a really long time. It's super addicting, and at the end the bunny is soo CUTE. This is random, and unrelated to anything. I am super random sometimes, which is weird.

here is the link, it's on youtube:

Theory About Ivypaw and other Theories

This post will feature a theory and picture about Ivypaw. Other theories will also be mentioned.

Theory #1: Ivypaw
This is a different theory than the one I already posted. This one is about her popularity, not her evilness. How will Firestar react when he realizes that it was completely her fault that Russetfur died and he lost a life, right before leaf bare? I think Ivypaw isn't gonna be too popular with her clanmates in Night Whispers. Firestar will surely realize that she lead him into this war, as will the rest of the Clan that knows about Ivypaw's "dream".

Theory #2: Cherrykit and Molekit.
Why were Brokenstar/tail, Tigerstar, and Hawkfrost staring at the kits when they were born? I believe they wanted to train and manuplate the kits like they did to Ivypaw, how horrible! Also, I want the kits to be trained by Ivypaw and Dovepaw(when they're warriors of course!) This may be interesting because the kit who is trained by Ivypaw may turn out evil, even though I have no solid PROOF that Ivypaw is evil. She thinks she's being trained by STARCLAN warriors. :o

Dovepaw and Ivypaw
What are they're warrior names going to be. Vicky MAY have said that Ivypaw's name was going to be Ivypool, but since I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I don't know. I am going to put a poll up for Dovepaw's warrior name.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Funny Theory

I did promise you a theory. This isn't my theory, because it's too weird! :) My friend said: "I think Berrynose is going to be the next leader of ThunderClan!" This made me laugh so much that I think I permanantly damaged my lungs. Then my friend pulled on a serious face and said in a hurt voice, "No, really! I have proof!"
Her Proof:
Sunstar's apprentice was Bluepaw
Bluestar's apprentice was Firepaw
Firestar's apprentice was Bramblepaw
Brambleclaw is Firestar's deputy, and his apprentice was Berrypaw
Berrynose will be leader after Brambleclaw!

This made me laugh more. I will give more theories but I felt like sharing this one today. Did I convince anyone? Are you now a follower of the Berrystar theory? I don't support this theory, but you've gotta admit, it's an interesting one!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

SkyClan's Symbol!

I have, after much searching, found the symbol for SkyClan. I'm not 100% sure that this is the "offical" symbol. But I'm pretty sure. Like 99.99% sure. So (Ta Da) here's the symbol! More info on SkyClan's Destiny to come! Also, have you noticed, I post WAY TOO often? So I am going to limit myself.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Today's Picture!

Ta Da! Today I have a picture! Done on Paint! It's Cinderheart and Lionblaze. It's not my best, but I was bored. I'll be posting more of my pictures from now on. :) I liked the one with Dovepaw and Ivypaw better but, I guess I like this one...
~Picture by Swanflight!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Picture that I Drew!

Maybe you know by now that I like to Draw, mainly on the computer. Here is one of my pictures, featuring Dovepaw and Ivypaw. This is a month old. It's done on Paint.

Poll Results & More Info

Several Weeks Ago, YOU voted on who you wanted Lionblaze's mate to be.


1st place: Cinderheart!
56 votes/49%
2nd place: Icecloud
25 votes/22%

3rd place: Heathertail
14 votes/12%

Special Mention to Rosepetal, Dovepaw and Hazeltail, who all didn't get as many votes.

Erin Hunter's Tour Diary is Up! Vicky reveals that the name of the Fourth Book is The Sign of the Moon!( i think lots of people already know this.) Go to to read it! Also these are the tour dates! Revealed on Facebook and Kate's Blog!

You can go here: to read the tour dates!

Look. Out. For. More. Theories.
And. More. News.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

New Theories!

Well, I promised some theories, and here they are!

Spoilers and Possible Spoilers for Omen of the Stars Follows. Beware!
Theory #1
Russetfur's Death
Kate Cary confirmed that the "mystery" of Russetfur's death will be revealed in Night Whispers. So "apparently" Russetfur was "crushed" by Lionblaze. Of course, my imagination doesn't take me very far with this puzzle, but I can speculate. Some people say she died of a heart attack, others say she was crushed by Lionblaze's power. What do I think? I believe, I doubt I am right, that Russetfur, who was already sick, may have died of exhaustion. But a very quick and sort of weird way to crack, right? Maybe she forced Blackstar to take her with him to the battle. If she died of exhaustion, then she would have barely been able to pick herself up prior to her death. But she was fighting exceedingly well, she even stripped off one of Firestar's lives. So I think I canceled that theory off... One theory that came to me was that, maybe, the Dark Forest had been training her, sapping all the strength out of her. To far fetched? So that's all I have on this subject today.
Theory # 2:
Sometimes I believe that Ivypaw is truly evil. Sometimes I believe that she is confused and unsure whether Tigerstar is evil or just misunderstood. (haha) It seems that she isn't TRULY evil yet. She will probably decide which side she wants to join in Night Whispers, where Dovepaw, according to the bookjacket, will face a shocking fact. I think this pretty much points to Ivypaw choosing the Dark side. I mean, it wouldn't be shocking if she chooses the Good side, because Dovepaw would have wanted that, and she would have EXPECTED it. When Ivypaw chooses her side, it will probably be evil. But I stand by what I said before: Ivypaw was named after Vicky's niece. She said so in a VERY previous Author Tracker. There is ONE rule to a story: The Good Side ALWAYS wins. The BAD side ALWAYS dies/loses/both. Why would Vicky kill off her neices character? Maybe, at first, Ivypaw chooses the Dark Side. Then she realizes her mistake and switches. The first time, it will probably be the dark side, as mentioned above. She may change...
Theory # 4:
The Three's Role
This theory, is probably the most exciting to me. What lays in store for the Three? StarClan doesn't know. The connection with Rock is broken. (Jayfeather was soo stupid, but you gotta love him) In Erin Hunter chat #6, a fan asked: I think the three has to go back in time and change things, for the better. Vicky answered: I can't say much, but you're on the right track!
So the three will be going back in time, as Jayfeather did. Vicky also revealed that The Three will find out how StarClan and The Dark Forest were created in book 4 or 5, she said she couldn't remember. She said everything will be clear at the end of Omen. WHATEVER that means... Maybe the three go back in time to find a weak link, a flaw in the beginning of the Dark Forest.To find A clue, or directions, on how to defeat the Dark Forest. What do You think?
I will have more Theories Soon!
Next Weekend, or Earlier!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fading Echoes Has Been Released!

Well, the long awaited sequel to the mind blowing The Fourth Apprentice, Fading Echoes, has been released. This book, and I'm am SURE everybody will agree, was nothing short of epic. As I read it in about and hour, I was soaked in with this wonderful book. One thing that angered me was that it ended with a cliffhanger! Are they trying to kill us? Ugh, I won't be able to sleep till I get my hands on Night Whispers! It was worth the wait, though I hope we will not have to wait long for the next book...


Fading Echoes began with a training session up in the sky. Tigerstar orders Hawkfrost to fetch an apprentice, an apprentice with powers. Tigerstar says that she must be on their side in the battle, to make it even.
Dovepaw awakes from a nightmare concerning Rippletail's death. When she awakes fully, she sees two cats, walking along the shore. She goes to Jayfeather, who confirms that the two cats are Mistystar and Mothwing. He realizes that Mistystar knows about Mothwing, and her lack of faith.
Later, out training, Dovepaw hears/sees/scents dogs in the distance, on WindClan territory. In the night, she and Ivypaw sneak into the WindClan camp. Dovepaw only does this because she witnessed Sedgewhisker getting hurt. She wants to check on her, to make sure she's okay. They make it all the way into WindClan camp, and are immediately caught. Sedgewhisker gets angry at Dovepaw, saying that WindClan can deal with thier own problems. Dovepaw, confused, hurt and defeated, trudges back to ThunderClan escorted by Heathertail and Breezepelt.
Firestar demands to see Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovepaw. He listens to Dovepaw's confession and begins to tell about the prophecy he heard. Jayfeather interrupts him, assuring Firestar that they already know. They ask eagerly about what the prophecy means. But Firestar doesn't know. Now Dovepaw is given special training, and Brambleclaw knows too.
Tension boils between ThunderClan and ShadowClan, starting with a certain tabby warrior called Tigerheart. He was mysteriously exploring the border too closely, and straying past his own territory. Dovepaw notices this and demands to know what Tigerheart is up to. He gives nothing away, but says he'll tell her during the Gathering.
As ThunderClan starts out toward the Gathering, Tigerheart assures her that nothing bad was happening. He begins to say that they were almost friends during the journey and if they were in the same Clan, it would be so easy. Dovepaw jumps back, realizing she can't lean in too close to the handsome ShadowClan tom.
The next chapter is in Ivypaw's POV. She meets Hawkfrost, and he begins to train her.
She awakes in the morning, forced to take Blossompaw's assessment with her. Blossompaw acts exceptionally rude Ivypaw, saying that she wasn't properly trained and that she'd rather have Dovepaw. Ivypaw, furious, makes a spectacular catch, which angers Blossompaw even more.
Firestar asks for a normal report from Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Dovepaw. It is raining hard outside, just then Dovepaw senses something... A tree is falling, the cats clear out the camp, but Mousefur tries to catch a mouse, Longtail attempts to catch it for her, running back into the camp. Briarpaw follows, in an attempt to stop him. Then the tree falls. It falls on Briarpaw and Longtail. The Clan rushes in, Lionblaze helps hold up the tree, and they manage to get Briarpaw and Longtail out. Longtail is discovered dead, and Briarpaw seems to have lost all feeling from her legs.
Meanwhile Ivypaw continues training with Hawkfrost, getting brilliant at fighting, better than Dovepaw. She begins to feel lots of competitiveness with Dovepaw. Always saying, "What's so special about you?" The littermates are now not as close as they used to be, Ivypaw also seems to be getting along mightily fine with Bumblestripe(or Bumbleflight? He seems to be both...) and Toadstep, both who seem to be showing an interest toward her. (But Toadstripe is her cousin, and Blossompaw/fall likes him...)
Lionblaze and Jayfeather discuss who is being trained by The Dark Forest. They urge Dovepaw to spy on her Clanmates. Dovepaw refuses. Jayfeather goes to the Moonpool and meets Yellowfang and Spottedleaf. He tells them his suspiscions that The Dark Forest is training cats around the lake. They leave to go past the boundary of StarClan. Jayfeather gets half-lost, unable to see in the dark mist. Yellowfang finds him and they run into Brokenstar/tail. Jayfeather discovers that Yellowfang had kits, and broke the medicine cat law. He refers to her as being: "No better than Leafpool." Yellowfang leaves and Spottedleaf and Jayfeather witness a horrible training session that involves the cats of the Dark Forest torturing other cats from the Dark Forest. There seem to many, many more than we know of. Jayfeather wonders why the Dark Forest are training thier cats, because thier dead. They meet Tigerstar who insists that The Dark Forest isn't planning anything. Disbelieving, Jayfeather and Spottedleaf head back to StarClan territory.
Lionblaze wakes up, suspecting his denmates each in turn. He only agrees that Thornclaw may be trained by The Dark Forest, as he was friends with Ashfur. Cinderheart is awake too, they go out into the forest together. He thinks of Heathertail and how they used to play, and how this was so similar. He then reflects that this forest wasn't the cave, and she wasn't Heathertail. He liked being with Cinderheart, because she was ThunderClan. He returns back to the camp with her, their fur pressed together.
Hawkfrost takes Ivypaw into the forest, they train. She meets other cats training. Hawkfrost insists that they are her Clanmates. She thinks: "ThunderClan are here!" She finally meets Tigerstar. Who decides that she is ready. He tells Ivypaw his usual fake story about how he wanted the best for his Clan and how he was only loyal to ThunderClan. Ivypaw drank it all up. He tells her that ShadowClan is planning an attack on ThunderClan. They saw Firestar's gift of the useless stretch of territory as a sign of weakness, and want more territory. Tigerstar tells her that she must convince Firestar to attack before ShadowClan do.
The moment Ivypaw wakes up she goes to talk to Firestar. She tries to convince Firestar, he calls in other senior warriors. She tells Firestar a fake story about a dream in which she saw the stream running with ThunderClan blood. And that ShadowClan had destroyed ThunderClan and had taken over all their territory.
So they begin the battle. Ivypaw battles almost as well as Lionblaze, exceeding the level of a normal apprentice, while Dovepaw is average. In one part of the fight Tigerheart lunges at Ivypaw, Dovepaw prepares to help Ivypaw but Tigerheart stops himself, nods at Ivypaw, and gives her the look that he gave to Dovepaw when he told her he wanted to remain friends. Dovepaw feels jealous.
Lionblaze sees Russetfur killing Firestar. He leaps to his leader's defense. He desperately pulls her off his leader. She falls limply to the ground, dead. The battle has ended. Blackstar ,in fury, gives ThunderClan territory. Lionblaze knows that this was the fault of an apprentice. An apprentice that had no connection with StarClan. Ivypaw. He knows that this battle shouldn't have happened.

~The End~
Hope you enjoyed that!
Theories Coming Soon!
Watch for them this weekend!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Excerpt from Fading Echoes

~Spoiler Warning! Excerpt/Preview of Fading Echoes coming up~

Here on page 237 I followed Cinderheart and Lionblaze throught there game? How did I get
paragraphs and paragraphs just through the search engine? Read on.

page 237, Cinderheart and Lionblaze's game

Cinderheart heared away into the trees. " You sneak!" he pelted after her. As he closed on her she darted through the hollow trunk of a tree. He veered to the side, overtaking her as she emerged with cobwebs trailing form her bushy tail. Now Lionblaze was in front. He scrambled up an outcrop of rocks. Cinderheart leaped after him and he felt her muzzle brushing his tail. As the stone scraped beneath his paws, he thought of Heathertail and the way they played in the cave. He halted, panting at the top. "Wait!" he called as Cinderheart shot past him. She skidded and turned to look challingingly at him. "Are you tired already?" "No." "We could climb trees instead." A mischievous sparkle glinted in her eyes. "Oh, I forgot," she added innocently. "You don't like climbing trees." "Why climb trees when you can run?" Lionblaze jumped past her and charged through the trees.

I couldn't go farther into that because it was taking me in circles. How did I get this you ask? Keep Reading!

So this is on the next page, but it doesn't continue directly from the first paragraph.

page 238 Cinderheart's swim

"I dare you to get your paws wet!" "No way!" Lionblaze skidded to a halt at the water's edge. Cinderheart plunged her shoulders under and began to swim, gasping at the cold. Lionblaze had forgotten that Jayfeather had taught her to swim to strengthen her leg after her accident as an apprentice. "You look like a RiverClan cat!" he called from the shore. "Why don't you catch me a fish while you're in there?" Cinderheart splashed out onto dry land and shook out her pelt. Lionblaze shied away as the water showered him. "Don't you call me RiverClan!" she huffed, eyes sparkling. "I'm ThunderClan through and through!" "I'm glad you are." Lionblaze pushed away all thoughts about Heathertail and admired his feisty denmate, her pelt spiked with water. Cinderheart blinked. "Of course!" she declared. "It's the best Clan to be in!" Lionblaze glanced at his paws. He hadn't quite meant it like that. Hot with embarrasment, he padded along the shore, not sure if he was glad that she had missed the clumsy compliment. She must think I'm a mouse-brain! "Brrr!" Cinderheart caught up to him, she was shivering. "Lets get you back to camp before you catch a cold." He steered her up the bank and into the trees, pressing close to share the heat of his pelt. She smelled sweet - mossy and damp, like a warm nest.

Unfortunatly it cut me off there. I couldn't get any farther. Now, the information YOU'VE been waiting for. How I got so much.

Well, first I typed sneak(this is for page 237) and then it got me to the first part of the sentence. Next I typed pelted. That got me to the next part and so on and so on. You have to type a word that isn't so common like "he" there would be a kazillion of results for that. Try to pick a word near the end. So it will give you more words. I hope you liked this little preview!

~End of Spoilers~

More Spoilers for Fading Echoes

I was rooting through the search and I found a few things...

It turns out that Ivypaw is getting really jealous that everyone pays attention to her sister. She says "What's so special about you?" AlsoTigerheart keeps hanging around the border. I suspect that he hopes to run into Dovepaw. Also (I can't find it in the browse inside, so it may not be there.) I think, that Dovepaw says that she'll be a better warrior that Lionblaze. I don't know. I can't find it in the search inside, there are like a million sentences. But someone said they found something...

Also, I THINK(They show only part of the sentence) that Lionblaze kills Russetfur, after she takes a life from Firestar. Of course, they only showed a part of the sentence so it was like "You killed Russetfur!" Owlclaw's wail split the air. Lionblaze... And that was it. So maybe...

Also something I thought was funny:

A sharp nudge made her jump. "Stop staring at Tigerheart," Sandstorm snapped. "You look like and owl!" "Was I staring?" Dovepaw turned her gaze back to the Great Oak.

So maybe DovepawTigerheart is going to happen anyways. Now I have a theory. It has to do with Ivypaw.

So In the Prologue of Fading Echoes Tigerstar says: "There is an apprentice, she has great power, she must join us to make the fight even." It turns out that cat is Ivypaw. But Ivypaw isn't in the prophecy... Then why did Tigerstar want her for her power... Does she have some dark power? Is she part of another prophecy? Or maybe this was just another misleading clue. Maybe Tigerstar just meant Dovepaw but decided to train Ivypaw anyways? Somehow, I don't think so. I think Ivypaw does have a power.

Another theory of mine concerns Night Whispers, book number 3 in the awesome Omen of the Stars series. It turns out that (confirmed on Kate Cary's Blog) Vicky and her editor REALLY wanted the title to be Dark Betrayal or Betrayal. Just because the title changed doesn't change the content. So there is some kind of Betrayal...
I believe the cat/s who betray can either be Ivypaw or Dovepaw. Dovepaw turning her back on the three or Ivypaw betraying her sister? Hmm...

Also, someone said that BIRCHFALL and THORNCLAW had joined the dark side, and that they had proof in the search engine. I can't find it, maybe it's true, maybe it's not. All we have to do is wait till tommorrow, when the eagerly awaited and spectacular Fading Echoes comes out.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Search Engine Open!

Okay, the search engine at HarperCollins is ... OPEN! If you type a random word it will show you a wide selection of pages that mention the word. Here are things I found out:

Spoiler Warning

Who does Lionblaze love?

I typed: feisty

The results:

... admired his feisty denmate, her pelt spiked with water. Cinderheart...


I typed: clumsy

The results:

...was glad that she had missed the clumsy comment. She must think I'm a...

I typed: heat

The results:

...the trees, pressing close to share the heat of his pelt. she smelled sweet - mossy...

I typed: shivering

The results:

Cinderheart caught up to him. She was shivering. "Lets get you back to camp before...

See how I typed in random words and got such good results? Lionblaze loves(or has a crush on)

Drum Roll Please...


Ivypaw? Evil or Not...

I typed:Hawkfrost(i got a lot of results)

The results:

#1: Ivypaw turned and started to explain about Hawkfrost. "He was a warrior...

#2: ...are everything. And we're your Clanmates now." Hawkfrost gazed deep into Ivypaw's eyes, and she...

#3: ...Clanmates in every way." He turned to Hawkfrost. "How's she doing?" Hawkfrost flicked Ivypaw's flank...

#4: ...gaze glowed. "She's ready." he purred to Hawkfrost. Excitement thrilled through Ivypaw. "Ready for what?"...

I typed: Dovepaw

The results:

Had he come especially to teach her? Dovepaw has never been visited by StarClan! Ivypaw...

I think now we can safely conclude that Ivypaw has "joined" the dark side...

The young warrior that got hit by a tree?

I typed: Briarlight

The results:

#1: ...then Longtail would have been saved and Brairlight would be scampering around her littermates right now...

I typed: legs

#1: "Where are my back legs? Are they still there?" Millie let out...

#2: "Her heartbeat is getting steadier, but her legs..." Jayfeather's words trailed...

Brairlight seems to be the one who is injured. Oh, Longtail...

I may finish this post:
I also typed:
Tigerheart(Forbidden Love...)
Russetfur(a death for ShadowClan)
Firestar(he's losing lives quickly...)

Directions on reading these spoilers for yourself:

Go to:

Next look at the left side of the screen.

You will see: search inside this book

Lastly, type anything you wish!

Hope you enjoyed!

End of Spoilers

Cute Fishies

I added a little pool of fishies. If you click on the water, you'll be able to feed them. This something TOTALLY random. It has Nothing to do with anything.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Well, I've changed the title and background. I was too impatient to wait for the polls to be closed. Do you like it? New Poll!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Another Poll

I've decided that I want to change the name of this blog too. Soon, when I have all your feedback Swanflights Blog will go under construction. Sorry for so many polls, but I want to change soon!
So please vote on the poll!


IVYPAW is being visited by HAWKFROST(OMG)
Briarlight and Longtail are both hit by the tree. Longtail is killed(about time too. Still I was hoping for Mousefur) But Briarlight is gravely injured.
Dovepaw has a crush on Tigerheart(no surprise there...)
Ivypaw tells Firestar that StarClan sent her a dream that ShadowClan defeated ThunderClan.
So there is a battle. Firestar loses a life(he's losing them fast now, don't you think?)
and Russetfur dies.
Special thanks to my best friend for providing me with this info!

Omen of the Stars Theory

I have been thinking of some theories and have a few ideas.

Theory # 1: The Power of the Dark Forest
In the prologue of Fading Echoes Hawkfrost and Breezepelt are training. Breezepelt said: "I will all make them pay for what they have done." By this he meant his father, Leafpool, Jayfeather and Lionblaze. (To me it looks like Breezepelt is stupid to blame this on Jay and Lion.)
This may mean that Breezepelt may attempt to kill or imprison his father.
Also Tigerstar had this conversation speaking of a she-cat apprentice with "great power" :

"There is another apprentice, she has great power. She must join us to make the battle even."

"You want me to visit her?" Menace edged Hawkfrost's mew.

"Walk in her dreams, teach her that this battle is her destiny."

And then it ends with:

"Go, you should have no trouble, she is ready."

This is quite ominous, and it points to one cat in particular: Ivypaw. However, Ivypaw doesn't have great power, she is not the Fourth Apprentice, Dovepaw is. She is not the true third cat in the prophecy, Dovepaw is. Ivypaw has never shown any signs of evilness. Except in The Fourth Apprentice, where she said, " You'd be grumpy too if your littermates went on a quest to save the Clans and you were left at camp doing stupid dumb training!"

Wait, I have more evidence. Ivy is Vicky's best friend's granddaughter. She is not a random fan, as some people have been wrongly informed. (Read a wands and worlds post by Shelia Ruth. I will give a link later.) Vicky wouldn't make her best friend's granddaughter character evil!

Also Ivypaw has not shown signs of power, and if she is the one that Tigerstar is targeting, she will show a sign soon...

Dovepaw, however, seems to be getting a little disobedient. She disregards Lionblazes warning and sneaks of to the WindClan camp in the middle of the night to speak to Sedgewhisker and gets in trouble for it. She also says "So am I loyal to the prophecy or the warrior code, you and Jayfeather better make up you minds before I decide myself." This points out nothing wrong, but if she chooses the warrior code, Tigerstar could manuplate her into believing that turning her back on the prophecy and obeying the Dark Forest is the right thing to do. Dovepaw isn't stupid she will probably choose the right path. But this shines light on another theory.

More to Come.
Sorry for the really long post.
Here is the browse inside link:

Here is the Wands and Worlds link:

Thanks, and Enjoy.

Monday, March 8, 2010

New Poll

I've decided that I'm tired of this background. I still like it but if you want me to change it I will. Vote on the new poll!

Upcoming Release Dates

So mark your calendars!

Fading Echoes
March 23, 2010
A Clan in Need
March 23, 2010
SkyClan's Destiny
August 3, 2010
Night Whispers
November 23, 2010
(though some say it's August 3, 2010 or August 8,2010)
Heart of a Warrior
August 3, 2010
Battles of the Clans
June 1, 2010
Allegiances of the Clans
Early Clan Days
*Note- these may change/may not be exactly accurate
There are many speculations
More Info to Come

Saturday, March 6, 2010

This Blog, Comments and it's Popularity

Can the people who visit my blog please comment! I really want to hear what you think! So PLEASE, please just comment. If you don't have a blogger account just comment as anonyoumous , it is not that hard! So please please if you care about this blog and you think the information is good and up-to-date comment and tell everyone you know about this blog.
Remember, I was the first to tell you about the browse inside. So please help this blog by commenting and telling the internet about it.

Graystripe's Kits Warrior Names!

Briarlight, Blossomfall, and Bumbleflight. The suffix -light hasn't been used before but I like it.

Also Dovepaw's eyes are blue. But in the Fourth Apprentice they were golden. The Erins get sadly confused sometimes...

The names of Poppyfrost's and Berrynoses kits!

Cherrykit and Molekit! HOW did I know it was gonna be Cherrykit? I must have foretelling the future powers...


Hmmm... Weirdly enough the search engine isn't working for me. Never fear for I have already read like uhh 6 or something chapters of FADING ECHOES!! Looks like there is an apprentice with power that Tigerstar and the bad guys need on thier side to make the fight even. Dun Dun Dunnn. Oh and looks like Dovepaw is gonna be a bit uh you know disobidient and I predict evil...
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!
When the dumb search engine does work for me I will be able to find out who Lionblaze picks for his mate and about this battle coming up...

Meh loves SPOILERS!

Yay! The Browse inside is out on HarperCollins! You can read the First few chapters! You can also type random words in the search engine and find out stuff that is not in the first few chapters! Spoilers coming soon!

New Rumor

There is a theory and "erin" "confirmed" it. I don't want this to happen I don't want this to happen...
Possible SPOILER warning
It is said that Squirrelflight will kill Leafpool.
here is how the "spoiler" said it will happen;
Squirrelflight pinned Leafpool to the ground and says "you ruined everything." Then Leafpool dies.
So I really don't think this can happen and this "spoiler" has a gaping hole in it.
Squirrelflight loves Leafpool, she wouldn't kill her.
Not unless the Dark Forest were possessing her or something??

I know the cat on the cover of Night Whispers!

I think I just found out that the cat in the middle is Flametail. Since he gets a POV in this book.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Change of Plans

Since I'm kind of lazy and because March is approaching really fast I'm not gonna post "all possible theories" Usually on Amazon you can browse inside 1 month , give or take a week, before the book comes out. This is three full pages and the search engine. I did that for the Fourth Apprentice and believe it or not, it didn't spoil the story much. So yeah, I'm not gonna post all possible theories now. After Fading Echoes I will. So Bye! Look forward to the spoilers!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Seekers: The Last Wilderness is out!
Here is the bookjacket:
Is this the journey's end... or just the beginning?
Toklo, Kallik, Lusa and Ujurak have finally reached the Last Great Wilderness, the legendary bear paradise they've been searching for. But while his companions think they've come to the end of thier long journey, Ujurak feels a deep unrest. Is this truly where they're meant to be?
- from fantastic fiction here is the link:
Also the new Seekers manga is out! Toklo's Story!
Oh and I made a mistake. In another post I said that when February comes I'll be able to get spoilers. I meant MARCH.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


First are the Spoilers. You will know most of these already. Also all of them MAY not be true. A tiny bit are just me reading between the lines, so forgive me if I didn't read the hints properly. Here they are:

Spoiler Warning

  • Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight will never be together
  • Hollyleaf doesn't make an appearance in the first two books
  • Crowfeather loves his kits and Leafpool
  • The Tribe comes back
  • Mistyfoot's kits are, Dawnflower, Rippletail, and Reedwhisker.
  • There will be a tribe super edition
  • Pinestar is not Firestar's father, Jake is.
  • Tigerstar returns to bother Dove and Ivy.
  • Redtail is Sandstorm's father and Brindleface is her mother.
  • Jayfeather won't have a mate(the erins are leaning toward no anyways...)
  • Sol will return
  • A YOUNG warrior is gravely injured by a falling tree
  • There will be a super edition about the early clans
  • Leopardstar dies and Mistyf00t becomes Mistystar
  • Mistystar chooses Reedwhisker as her deputy
  • Dove's Wing and Dovepaw are not directly connected
  • There will be LOTs of villains in Oots
  • Cinderpelt was in love with Firestar, because of this CinderHEART will have a teeny tiny crush on him
  • Thornclaw gets a mate
  • Brightheart gets an apprentice
  • Firestar is five years old and eigth is elder old...
  • Tigerstar and Hawkfrost will not be reborn
  • Lionblaze will become deputy
  • Sorreltail or Brackenfur will die(Vicky is tired of thier boring relationship)
  • Breezepelt will be killed by one of his half brothers...
  • Someone blind dies
  • Firestar dies
  • Ashfur is in the Dark Forest
  • Heathertail isn't mates with Breezepelt. She still "likes" Lionblaze a teeny tiny bit
  • Ferncloud will have more kits
  • Leopardstar was in love with Tigerstar
  • Mudclaw went to StarClan
  • Heathertail did not reveal the tunnels. The kits did.
  • Tigerstar loved Sasha more
  • The three's power had something to do with changing and decided the past
  • Dovekit is GRAY not pale gray. Her eyes are pale golden not green. Ivykit is white with silver tabby splashes, and with dark blue eyes.
  • Ivykit is named after Vicky's niece Ivy.
  • Hollyleaf was truly Lion's and Jay's sister
  • There were more Tribes
  • Jayfeather and Cinderheart will not be mates(Vicky said this herself)
  • Dovekit is the fourth apprentice and the true third cat
  • Ivypaw is not pleased about the prophecy
  • There will be hints about Lionblaze's mate in Oots 2!
  • There will be a POV from Flametail in ShadowClan.

So those are the CONFIRMED spoilers. The theories will come .... soon? Please take the time to read it ALL through. Most of them you know but others are new...

I got MOST of this form Erin Hunter Chat Six you can go here to see it:

So enjoy!

New Fanfiction!

So Darkest Song won the poll. So look forward to that as well as the spoilers. It will come around April?? Show your support by visiting this blog and giving me feedback!

Sorry I haven't posted

Sighs. I haven't posted much. This is mainly because there is nothing to post about. So I am going to collect ALL the theories on the web and post them here. So look for that. I'll be updating more often with more spoilers/theories. So please tell your friends about this blog. When February comes the Amazon browse inside will be open(you have to be a member and buy something on amazon to use it fully) and I will be able to get the whole story out of the book there. But First, before I begin my thorough search of theories I will post a few confirmed stuff coming STRAIGHT out of Kate Cary's mouth(sorry... KEYBOARD)about NIGHT WHISPERS!!! Book 3 of Omen of the Stars!

  • There will be a POV from another Clan in the book
  • It will be Flametail(Tawnypelts son and ShadowClan medicine cat apprentice)

So thats all about the Third that is known... Another thing, The book was supposed to be called Betrayal or Dark Betrayal. They changed it. THEY DIDN'T CHANGE THE OUTLINE! Which means there will truly be some kind of BETRAYAL!!! So who, who will betray? And who will be betrayed? So many questions, but in Februrary I will gets some clues from the browse inside! So ALL the theories will be coming soon. And remember! Please tell everyone about this blog so thet can enjoy it too!